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New York City Slip-and-Fall Attorney

Why Choose Lambrou Law for Your Slip and Fall Accident Case?

Slip-and-fall incidents may sound more like everyday annoyances than serious incidents, but the damage they can do should not be dismissed. Slip-and-falls cause physical injuries that lead to financial and emotional consequences. When someone else is at fault for your injuries, you need a qualified NYC personal injury lawyer to manage your case.

Contact a New York City slip-and-fall attorney from Lambrou Law PLLC if you experience a slip-and-fall event on someone else’s property. Our team will fight to help you recover your losses and hold the negligent property owner accountable for your injuries and suffering. Our legal expertise covers the entire New York City area: the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island.

Lambrou Law PLLC provides powerful legal representation you can count on

Lambrou Law doesn’t just talk the talk – we back it up with results and recognition. Our founding member has been included in the top 1% of attorneys by the National Association of Distinguished Counsel (NADC). Our team has been ranked among the top 100 trial attorneys and given top ratings throughout the parts of the country we serve–New York City included. When a property owner’s negligence leads to your injury, we are ready to fight for your rights and we don’t back down! 

We know the legal responsibilities of property owners in NYC and your rights as a guest on their property. Our New York City slip-and-fall attorneys also know the city’s responsibilities to those traveling its streets, climbing its subway stairwells, and waiting on its subway platforms. New York pedestrians deserve to walk city streets free of hazardous conditions. 

The procedures for filing against private property owners and the government differ, and navigating either set of laws can be challenging for victims. Lambrou Law is prepared for these challenges and takes the stress off your mind. Dealing with other parties in a claim is our job and what we do best and have done for decades.

See what our satisfied clients have to say

The Lambrou Law Firm is an exceptional firm. They are very professional, knowledgeable & highly experienced. They took good care of me. I truly believe I got the best representation possible. They came highly recommended. I feel Blessed that I got them to represent me. God willing, I hope & pray that myself nor my loved ones would ever need future representation, but if for unfortunate reasons we do, I would definitely go back to The Lambrou Law Firm! If you find yourself reading this review, while looking for representation, you definitely want to use The Lambrou Law Firm. I never write reviews, but I find it necessary to let you readers know how awesome my experience was with this firm. Thank you Lambrou Law Firm for everything!
Lucas and the Lambrou firm did a great job settling my case quickly! They checked in and gave me updates frequently and were always quick to respond to my questions.
Adriana M.

Our New York slip-and-fall lawyers will be by your side every step of the way

We will work tirelessly to secure compensation and add your case to our track record of success. You can also count on us to take your case personally. We recognize you have only called on us because you are in the midst of a terrible situation, facing potential life-changing injuries and financial insecurity. When you partner with an NYC slip-and-fall lawyer from our team, you will get the respect, compassion, and aggressive representation you deserve.

We locate and develop robust evidence to support your NYC slip-and-fall claim

Slip-and-fall accidents are a type of personal injury claim and, as such, operate under New York’s personal injury laws. Collecting a settlement or winning a trial if your case proceeds to court requires a strong claim built on solid evidence. Lambrou Law has the experience needed to build and present that case and win.

Proving the property owner’s negligence is the first step in case-building. Your attorney will work to gather evidence that shows the property owner knew of or should have known the dangerous condition that led to your fall. For example, a bottle of liquid soap falls from a grocery shelf and breaks, leaving behind a slick mess. You slip on the soap, landing on your back and knocking your head against the ground. Your attorney will work to prove the store owner failed to clean the mess promptly, did not mark the spill with a warning, or simply did not have measures in place for prompt cleanups and that negligence harmed you.

Next, your slip-and-fall lawyer in NYC will compile evidence to prove that the dangerous condition, not something else, led to your injuries. Your attorney may speak with your medical care providers or obtain your medical history to show that your injuries are not the effects of a pre-existing condition. 

After that, your attorney must prove the injuries sustained left you with measurable losses. Your medical costs, lost wages, related bills, and other testimony can support this element of your claim.

We ensure your claim is filed correctly and on time

New York gives victims three years to file claims to recover damages from a personal injury case. It is true that many cases go through negotiations and never enter the trial stage. Still, filing your claim on time is critical so you preserve your day in court if negotiations stall. If you are afraid your legal window has closed, you should still contact Lambrou Law. Some injury cases warrant exceptions or extensions to that three-year deadline but don’t wait!

We demand full and fair compensation from those at fault

The New York City slip and fall attorneys from our team will assess your damages carefully. Never accept a settlement offer without first speaking to your lawyer. Property owners and their insurance companies do not willingly make generous offers of compensation. Their goal is to hold on to their assets, and if they can convince you to take their first offer, they achieve that goal. First offers are notoriously less than what victims deserve, and a lawyer who knows the value of your case will protect you from accepting it.

After your attorney makes the demand, representatives for the at-fault party typically come back with a lower offer, starting the negotiation process. The attorneys at Lambrou Law are skilled negotiators. We make fair but substantial demands based on our legal insight and understanding of your case’s value. 

Settlements sometimes come faster than verdicts, and trials can be stressful, so we try to reach a fair settlement out of court. However, often it is in a client’s best interest to go to trial, and we are a formidable team of trial attorneys dedicated to fighting for the most favorable resolution possible including a verdict at trial when necessary.

Our skilled lawyers have experience managing all types of slip-and-fall claims

Our slip-and-fall lawyers in NYC can handle any injury case warranting compensation. Do not assume you do not have a case without first speaking to an attorney from Lambrou Law PLLC. You can reach us at (212) 285-2100 and arrange a free consultation. You have nothing to lose from making the call but could lose a significant financial award if you do not.

Examples of slip-and-fall scenarios include:

  • Slipping on a wet floor in an office building or retail store
  • Falling down a poorly lit stairwell in a business establishment or apartment complex
  • Tripping and falling on worn carpeting during a social visit at a private home
  • Losing traction and falling on an icy or slushy sidewalk
  • Breaking an ankle upon stepping into a deep, unmarked pothole while crossing a city street
  • Falling in amusement parks, concert venues, sports arenas, and other places of entertainment

Examples of trip-and-fall scenarios include:

  • Mislevel floor or sidewalk 
  • An obstacle on floor that can not be seen

Take immediate measures to protect yourself and your case in these or any other slip-and-fall situations. Of course, if your injuries are severe enough to require emergency care, do not move. Wait for the ambulance to arrive. 

If you can move without causing more damage, report the accident to a manager or supervisor or the homeowner. Take pictures of the area–be careful to include the hazardous conditions that caused your fall. Get contact information from bystanders and make sure you have the property owner’s name and contact information, and if possible, insurance company. 

Do not downplay your injuries or say anything that could be used against you later. Victims can become self-deprecating after a fall, saying, “I’m so clumsy,” or “I guess I should pay more attention,” or comments to that effect. Avoid those comments, as the property owner can use them to claim your inattentiveness or clumsiness contributed to the accident.

We won’t back down, even in the most serious cases

Slip or fall injuries range from serious to catastrophic. In some cases, victims sustain broken bones that heal but still cause suffering, temporary disability, and loss of income. Other injuries can be life-changing. Falls can cause permanently disabling brain injuries, spinal cord damage, or soft-tissue injuries that bring a lifetime of chronic pain and diminished mobility. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are the most common cause of serious brain injury and are especially dangerous for older adults.

If a fall leads to your loved one’s death, you may have grounds to file a wrongful death claim against the property owner. Lambrou Law can help you file your claim and pursue justice for your loved one’s untimely and preventable death and a financial award to recover related losses.

Victims of injuries caused in slip-and-fall accidents can seek damages (monetary compensation) for their accident-related losses. Under Section 1411 of New York’s Civil Practice Law and Rules, however, a compensation amount can be reduced if you bear any responsibility for the accident. Whatever percentage of fault you hold is the percentage deducted from the award amount.

Our New York slip-and-fall attorneys work hard to recover maximum compensation

Your New York City slip and fall attorney will consider every loss when calculating your compensation demand. These losses include:

  • Medical care costs, both current and anticipated
  • Lost wages during recovery time, and if you cannot return to work because of your injuries, the value of your future lost wages and job benefits
  • Other expenses caused by the effects of the accident. If you need to hire others to care for children, provide transportation, maintain your home, or fulfill other obligations no longer possible for you, these expenses will be factored in
  • Your physical pain, disability, and disfigurement–if applicable
  • Your psychological suffering
  • Your diminished enjoyment of life

Work with the most trusted name in NYC personal injury law

Lambrou Law PLLC's philosophy is to get victims the justice they deserve by reclaiming their rights. We will manage your case with honesty, determination, and hard work. Put your case in our hands, and we will fight to get you the life-changing results you need to recover your financial stability and face the future with hope. Our legal expertise cover the entire New York City area: the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island.

Lambrou Law answers your questions about NYC slip-and-fall accidents

The specific details of all cases differ, making it impossible to predict the amount you can expect. The extent of your injuries, each party’s degree of fault, and various other factors affect settlement or verdict awards. Trust your slip-and-fall lawyer in NYC  to fight for the highest amount possible.

Trespassers still have rights under personal injury laws. Still, your case is worth a review. Some exceptions may apply, especially when the injured are young children.

It depends. Landlords are responsible for some of the property’s safety. Yet, as the occupier, you bear responsibility for matters under your control. For example, the landlord is not liable if you fall over items or debris you left out, but they may be so contact the team at Lambrou Law to discuss the specifics of your case. 

However, if you fall in a common area of an apartment complex or because of structural hazards in the residence the landlord knows of and has avoided repairing, you may have a case. Your slip-and-fall attorney in NYC can examine your case and determine who bears liability and how much.

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