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New York City Nursing Home Negligence and Abuse Attorneys

Why Choose Lambrou Law for Your Nursing Home Abuse Case?

When entrusting a loved one to a nursing facility for continual care results in elder abuse, there are options for fighting back. Your family member or friend should never suffer at the hands of nurses, doctors, or nursing home staff responsible for their wellbeing. It can be shocking to discover the abuse. You may experience guilt, anger, and overwhelm in determining future care options while considering the legal rights of your loved one.

A New York City nursing home abuse attorney with Lambrou Law understands your situation. A nursing home’s neglect of your loved one’s basic needs and failure to provide reasonable care may qualify as negligence. A New York City personal injury lawyer with our firm will work beside you to demand accountability for nursing home abuse. We will relentlessly seek the maximum compensation for these heinous acts while offering the support you deserve in these emotionally devastating circumstances. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.

Our legal services expand across the five boroughs of New York City: the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island.

new york city nursing home abuse attorney

Our mission is pursuing justice and protecting your loved one

The dedication of Lambrou Law PLLC to NYC in protecting our community from negligence is a guiding force in our work. We believe in protecting individuals who suffer needlessly because of negligence. Our firm invests in our community by turning our words into action. Each client our team serves deserves our commitment to seeking their full financial recovery. Working with a nursing home abuse lawyer in New York City from our firm offers you these benefits:

  • A firm familiar with the local nursing home industry and its challenges
  • Experience in a team of dedicated award-winning personal injury attorneys
  • Commitment to excellence through adaptive legal approaches and continuing education
  • Communication and honest conversations in your legal journey
  • A team that gives back to the NYC community

Many of our team members face the same challenges you face in caring for your loved ones as they mature. Our empathy and understanding provide a personal connection with our clients. No one deserves mistreatment and abuse. We will fight for your loved one's health and dignity and strive to restore your peace of mind. 

Lambrou Law PLLC offers you compassionate guidance in a nursing home negligence and/or abuse claim

Many anxious families find us through referrals from past clients. Testimonials reflect our commitment to finding solutions through legal advocacy, demanding the compensation your loved one deserves due to nursing home abuse. A New York City nursing home abuse lawyer with our firm may provide the following services:

  • An investigation into nursing home abuse and neglect allegations through coordinated efforts
  • Provide a thorough assessment of damages to support a claim
  • Maintain a focus on meeting deadlines that apply to your case
  • Demand individual and institutional accountability
  • Pursue maximum compensation for damages through settlement negotiations
  • Provide aggressive trial litigation when a settlement does not meet your compensation needs

A nursing home negligence and abuse lawyer in New York City will support your loved one’s recovery and your fight against abuse through each step in the legal process. Securing results that make a difference for our past clients is a trustworthy indicator of our commitment to your fight for justice. Our dedication to an in-depth understanding of the laws impacting your case allows us to effectively navigate some of the most complex nursing home abuse cases.

Our firm pursues justice and accountability on your loved one’s behalf

A compromised cognitive state and the inability to communicate may prevent nursing home residents from reporting or relaying incidents of abuse. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), two in three nursing home staff report having abused a resident over the past year. Abuse rates of older people in long-term facilities such as nursing homes remain high, and predictions indicate these incidents will increase. The team at Lambrou Law PLLC believes in accountability. We will relentlessly pursue legal action against those who commit, allow, or fail to prevent nursing home abuse, including:

  • Certified nursing assistants, licensed practical nurses, and registered nurses
  • Rehabilitation therapists
  • Physician’s assistants and doctors
  • Custodial staff
  • Vendors or contractual care providers
  • The nursing home facility’s management 

Many nursing home facilities face shortages of help as care needs increase. Facilities must adequately hire staff to address residents’ needs under federal law. Our New York City nursing home abuse attorneys never let nursing home corporate giants intimidate us in pursuing fair compensation for you. As we shine a light on elder abuse in New York City, we extend the safety net to protect others from abuse and neglect.  

We assist with claims for these types of nursing home negligence and abuse

The signs of nursing home abuse can go unnoticed, leaving a loved one vulnerable to neglect for extended periods. The abuse is not your fault, and we strive to put an end to negligence. The National Institute on Aging provides this guide for spotting the signs of elder abuse or negligence. Your family member or friend may suffer the following in a nursing home environment:

  • Neglect: Resulting in weight loss, bed sores, dehydration, persistently soiled linens and clothing
  • Physical abuse: Visual wounds such as head injuries, open cuts and lacerations, broken bones, and bruises may persist
  • Emotional abuse: The fear of a caretaker, emotional outbursts, withdrawal, or becoming non-communicative may occur, and misidentifying the causes of behavior as declining health or mental state is possible
  • Sexual abuse: Discovering bleeding, tears, infections, or STDs may require medical exams
  • Financial abuse: Bank balances change without accountability or become overdrawn, or the unapproved use of debit and credit cards occurs

A nursing home abuse attorney in New York City with Lambrou Law can review any findings of potential abuse you become aware of in a free consultation. We can determine if a strong case for nursing home abuse against a loved one exists. Our firm will start to work immediately to preserve evidence and build a significant claim.

new york city nursing home abuse lawyer

Lambrou Law will seek maximum compensation in a NYC nursing home negligence and abuse cases

A New York City nursing home negligence and abuse attorney will evaluate the physical and emotional harm resulting from nursing home abuse and seek any applicable economic and non-economic damages that apply. Negligence may result in ongoing illness or the need for medical intervention. We focus on the unique needs of your loved one to account for their care requirements as a result of negligence, including:

  • All medical costs and medication expenses
  • Transportation costs for doctor appointments
  • Long-term therapeutic care for physical therapy, cognitive rehabilitation, speech therapy, and other rehabilitative services to support a return to health
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of quality of life

We will also fight for special damages and the cost of attorney fees when it is possible under New York Public Health Law (§2801-d). We commit to exploring every option available to you to benefit your loved one’s healing and care. 

Our NYC nursing home abuse lawyers will make sure you file a claim on time

How long you have to file a civil action for nursing home negligence and abuse in New York will depend on the type of injury your loved one experiences. You may be able to file multiple actions against an individual or a nursing home facility. Guidelines for New York statute of limitations state the following timeframes apply:

  • Personal injury: Three years
  • Negligent emotional distress: Three years
  • Deliberate emotional distress: One year
  • Financial theft or abuse: Two or five years
  • Medical malpractice: Two years and six months

Determining the type of injury and how long you have to take legal action is critical. Ensure you do not lose your right to civil action. Contact Lambrou Law PLLC as soon as possible. We are bound to act within the limitations of the law. Discussing a potential claim with a New York nursing home abuse attorney with our firm, regardless of how much time has passed, allows us to determine your legal rights accurately. We provide compassionate representation and strive for extraordinary results. 

Contact our New York City nursing home abuse attorneys

The abuse of one family member impacts an entire family. Lambrou Law offers the emotional and legal support you deserve when the professional care you expect for a loved one results in negligence. Accountability is the next step to recovery. Schedule a free consultation. Reach us by calling (212) 285-2100 to discuss a New York City nursing home abuse claim.

Our legal services expand across the five boroughs of New York City: the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island.

Lambrou Law PLLC answers your challenging questions about nursing home negligence and abuse

A guarantee of certain fundamental rights to nursing home residents exists. Some of these rights by the New York Department of Health include the rights to:

  • Dignity and a comfortable living environment
  • The safeguarding of property and money
  • Freedom from mental, physical, sexual, and verbal abuses
  • Treatment free of discriminatory practices and quality of care

Read more about all of the rights of nursing home residents.

A nursing home’s administration may be negligent for failing to provide adequate background checks or hiring poorly trained staff. The equipment in a nursing home should receive regular maintenance and function in a way that benefits residents. Establishing adequate security measures to protect residents from external threats of violence and abuse and keep residents within a safe environment is crucial. Failing to implement reasonable safety measures as an entity can lead to personal injury due to negligence.

Bed sores are a common sign of nursing home abuse, as they indicate someone has been left in the same position in bed for too long, leading to prolonged exposure on certain areas of the body. Proper care and regular repositioning can completely prevent bed sores, making their occurrence a clear sign of inadequate care.

They start as red, inflamed areas on the skin that don't fade. As they progress, they can develop into open wounds with layers of damaged tissue, often appearing as deep, crater-like sores.

They’re classified as a "never event" by Medicare, meaning they should never happen in the absence of negligence. When these sores appear, it’s a strong indicator that the nursing home has failed in its duty to provide the necessary care. This kind of neglect is not only harmful but entirely avoidable.

Investigating incidents of abuse, neglect, or mistreatment is the responsibility of the New York State Department of Health, Division of Nursing Home ICF/IID Surveillance. Complaints are confidential. Reporting incidents occurring within a year is possible. You have the right to report suspicions of abuse. Find reporting instructions in the nursing home abuse resources below.

  1. Documentation is critical in any negligence claim. Take pictures of bruises, cuts, soiled linens, full trays of food left in a resident’s room, or any evidence that may reflect negligence.
  2. Keep a copy of any documentation about your loved one stating their specific needs, like their inability to feed themselves successfully.
  3. Collect bank statements and other financial information that demonstrates possible financial abuse.
  4. Seeking an independent medical exam by a doctor outside of the nursing home facility can uncover withheld evidence of abuse.
  5. File the report above.
  6. Contact a New York City Nursing home abuse attorney as soon as possible.

New York City nursing home abuse resources

Visit our office

Lambrou Law PLLC

New York Office

45 Broadway, 31st Floor, New York, NY 10006

Email: info@lambroulawfirm.com

Call: (212) 285-2100

New York Foundation for Eldercare (NYFE)

171 Madison Avenue, Suite #1405

New York, NY 10016

Email: director@nyfe.org 

Online contact form

Local resources page

New York State Department of Health

Nursing Home Complaint Form and Instructions

  1. Complete the online Nursing Home Complaint Form or
  2. Print the online form for submission via mail, fax, or email to:

      Mailstop: CA/LTC

      Empire State Plaza

      Albany, NY 12237

    2. Fax a complaint to: (518) 408-1157
    3. Email a scanned copy to: nhintake@health.ny.gov 
    4. Register a complaint via the Nursing Home Complaint Hotline at (888) 201-4563

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